
Day 42 - Freeport to Glen Flora

Tuesday. April 27.

After a mostly loud and chaotic night at the carnival (hip-hop music blaring at 11pm, country music blaring at 2am), we woke up with the sun and got on the road pretty early.

My legs were still quite sore, but much better than the day before. As a result, I took advantage of Jake's riding and rode on his wheel to catch the draft most of the way.

We were scheduled to stay with a warmshower host tonight, so that was exciting. Our host, Roy, even talked about riding out to meet us and riding back to his house. I had talked on the phone with him, and he just said he'd try to meet us, we didn't know where or when or how.

As we continued down the road, a guy on a bike caught up behind us and we were pleased to find it was Roy. He was on a speedy little road bike, and was riding very, very casually to keep up with us. We chatted for the next two hours as we rode into his town and to his house.

His house is amazing, and full of cool stuff. Roy and Gail have a cow, a miniature donkey named Romeo, a bunch of chickens, a garden full of good veggies, fig trees, and pecan trees.

After Gail got home, she treated us to a fantastic blueberry smoothie, and then made an amazing dinner.

We had an appetizer of hardboiled eggs straight from the chickens outside, and carrots dug from the ground minutes earlier.
Freshly made guacamole, bean soup, freshly made jalapeƱo cornbread, and Shiner Bock left us completely full and happy after another great day of riding.

We sat on the front porch, watching the sun go down and trading stories of life adventures. With the departure of the sun, our energy levels dwindled and we went to bed early, in sunshine dried sheets no less! Huge thanks to Roy and Gail.

Day 42 - 68.44 Miles
Trip to Date - 2224.42 miles
Coast to Coast - 1221.97 miles

1 comment:

  1. so many people live lives that can inspire. something about just reading about that couple did something for me.
