
Day 17 - "Rest Day" at Long Point Park


Nothing new on the road. I have a chance to take a rest day, and of course I respond by riding another 70 miles.

70 more miles, and once again, I'm no closer to San Diego.
Either way, it was a very enjoyable day. Riding my bicycle without all my gear is a great change of pace. Something comparable to switching from a minivan to a mustang. I only have 23 days until the Half Ironman in Galveston, TX and still need to do a lot in preparation.

The early morning riding was great. My tent was busy drying out, and I was cruising down the road almost effortlessly. My speed was generally between 18-21mph, which is fair.
Day 17 AM Ride.

Once back in Fort Pierce, I did a bunch of eating, and some internet-ing.

Later in the afternoon, I rode back to camp and realized that my legs are quite tired. Perhaps I need to take a proper rest day or two before beginning the journey west. After a quick detour to the beach, I was ready to be done for the day.

Back at camp, my new camp friends laughed at my 'rest day'. Then we spent the rest of the evening sitting around the campfire, drinking cold beverages and talking about life. We also discussed the education system and the challenges it faces in the future. What are we going to do about education? It certainly isn't fair to devote a disproportionate amount of resources to the gifted kids, but what can be done to engage the less than perfect students (and their families)? If we continue to cut education funding, can we expect to be competitive globally? If we maintain education funding, how can it be used to improve the system top to bottom?

Anyways, enough rambling. Tomorrow, I get back on the move.

Day 17 - 70 Miles (AM and PM)
Trip to date - 774 Miles

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