
Day 14 - Miami Beach to Lake Worth


The local bike shop in Miami Beach opens at 10am, so I got packed up and rode down there just after they opened. I purchased a 28mm Bontrager Race Lite Hardcase tire, so we'll see if that works out better. It was a good thing I caught the problem, the tire was actually cut all the way through. In the photos from the previous day, the little bit of black in the middle is the tube. I'm amazed it never went flat.

Once I installed the new tire, I hit the road and enjoyed more great riding. Miami Beach is still a little crazy for my taste, but things seemed to relax more and more the further north I rode.

Eventually, I reached Fort Lauderdale, which brought back all kinds of funny childhood memories. I'm pretty sure I've never been there before, and my only reference to the town is from a movie. Flight of the Navigator was one of my all time favorites growing up. I must have watched it 100 times. Funny how each persons brain keeps certain memories, and what it takes to trigger them.

Back to riding.

Riding highway A1A north from Ft. Lauderdale is fantastic. Great scenery, good shoulders, smooth roads, no hills, it doesn't get much better. As a result, I saw dozens of other riders. I was able to leech onto a few, and caught some free speed for a few miles before I'd get dropped. After repeating that process a few more times, I checked my odometer for the day to see that I was already over 50 miles and was barely tired. Good deal.

I continue to be amazed at the magnitude of some of these houses. Incredible. Miles and miles and miles and miles of enormous estates, right on the ocean. Hillsboro Beach was by far my favorite. It was also in Hillsboro where I saw my first Lamborghini of the trip. It was Skittle green. I didn't get a picture of it because by the time I got my camera out and on, he was out of my sight. Oh well.

What do these people do?

As I hit mile 66 for the day, I turned away from the ocean, and found a county campground just outside of Lake Worth, FL. Another enjoyable day in the books.

Day 14 - 72 miles (garmin link added 4/4/2010)
Trip to date - 583 miles


  1. Dyroff,

    I spent nearly every day of my childhood hanging out with you and I've never once seen "Flight of the Navigator", let alone heard of the movie. Just thought I'd call you out on that.

    Looks like all is well though, and make sure you keep off the property of those Fort Lauderdale estates, as I'm pretty sure you'll either be shot or get the "release the hounds" treatment.


  2. 1. Maybe you've never seen it, but someone needs to back me up. Sean? Kyle? Mommy?

    2. Yeah. Just about every one of those estates had a dozen signs saying that trespassing is a felony. Sometimes I feel guilty just stopping at the end of their driveway.

  3. Yes. I've seen it dozens of times.

  4. hi Paul
    I can't believe with all the days/weeks/years you spent at our house that you never saw Flight of the Navigator!? Definitely was an all time favorite, and still is one of Mom's top 2 or 3 flicks! we still have the DVD (I'm surprised it still works!) We probably saw Flight of the Navigator, 'GhostBusters' - Sean's favorite - and Goonies more than all other movies combined when you guys were young.

    Great to read your posts every day, Chris. I've been trying to keep up each day regardless of where I am when traveling.


  5. As soon as I saw Flight of the Navigator in this post I had to scroll down to say that movie RULES or at least it did when I was 7. It's probably best I don't watch it again to ruin it. Man did I want an alien ship with a small weird alien pet.
